Dear Santa
Every year, to get inspiration and to come up with good presents to ask for, I diligently check what I have asked for and written on previous years, just not to repeat myself and sound ungrateful.
So, I must have been slightly mad when in 2018 I wrote:
“… maybe I won’t ask for the unicorn this year after all, maybe I have all I’ve ever wanted”.
Not true, I STILL WANT MY UNICORN! Let’s be very clear about that. No unicorn, no gingerbread cookies. Period.
There is plenty space in the garden for it. And like puppies, I know there are not just for Christmas, they are a lifetime commitment.
Now that’s out in the open and there’s no chance you will ‘forget’ this year, I would love to thank you for what I did get:
1 – My life in Mallorca
2 – My 40th birthday with my new family and the visit from my mum and sister
3 – My coaching diploma
4 – My emotional break-up/break-down/rebuild
5 – A new wave of powerful friendships, the chance to create a tribe, my kundalini buddies, my yoga teacher, my healing practices, my strong heart
6 – The opportunity to be financially abundant, to finally leave the film industry and to fully dedicate my time to coaching and accompany others in their healing
7 – The ability to see, to truly see this little fantasy we call life, and that we, stubbornly, keep trying to live in the outside with material achievements and in the inside through control and guilt
8 – A brand new road ahead of me in which I can consciously engage with my truth and unity
9 – And last but not least: showing me how strong and unconditional is my relationship with my man (we almost didn’t make it! 2019 was a tough year), and how by making a small change in me, can have such an overwhelming effect on everything I see, feel and think
Until next year
Thanks, in an overwhelming way… thanks a million